In-Game and Forum Policies

1 - Obligations and Prohibitions of users

1.1 It is expressly forbidden to send, by the users of the site, abusive, defamatory, hateful, offensive messages to the individual or the entire community, miners and the like or any other material that may violate the current applicable legislation. If such violations are made within the forum, the related messages will be made invisible or completely eliminated, at the sole discretion of the site administrators. Where such violations are carried out in general in any context, users recognize the administrators the right, at their sole discretion, to ban, temporarily or permanently, the offender from the site. Any insistence will be pursued.

1.2 Users are solely responsible for the messages they write and their content, both in the forum and in the chat. The moderation action of the forum is aimed exclusively at censoring / eliminating messages that are clearly in contrast with common morality and in any case at the sole discretion of the site administrators. If a user, interpreting or adapting the sentences based on his own experiences or personal facts, religious beliefs, or otherwise, believes that he has received an offense or defamation, he can contact the police, filing a regular complaint and specifying his reasons and the nickname from which he believes he received such offenses. It is not the task of the site administrators nor the forum moderators to verify the validity of messages written by others, even if approved,

1.3 Any violation of the aforementioned prohibitions, deemed such at the sole discretion of the site administrators, will be prosecuted as illustrated in the section "intervention procedures, reproaches, ban".

1.4 It is not allowed to publicly argue about the work of the Staff, unless the users' opinion is explicitly requested by a member of the staff.

1.5 The choice of nickname and avatar must not contain phrases, words, representations or concepts that are offensive to any person, race, religion, political and / or sexual orientation. It must not contain names or references to known political figures. It must not containexplicit, direct, indirect, veiled sexual referencesor that they are in any case misunderstood also through acronyms, abbreviations, and more. It must also not create confusion or conviction in other users of the site about the belonging of the same to the staff of the site. Any nicknames created in this way,they will be immediately deleted and if an Elite membership has been made, it will be canceled without the possibility of obtaining any refund.

1.6 Penalty as provided in the following art. 3, it is not allowed for Users, as this activity is reserved only for the Administrators of the site, to use the FORUM of the site or the CHATs at the table or two-way chat or whisper to organize meetings and gatherings between the users of the site.

1.7 The nickname and the relative password are strictly personal, must be properly guarded, and cannot be made public nor can they be given, given away, or sold in any way to others. Consequently, it is also expressly forbidden to provide your access data to third parties in order to "share" a nickname among several people, or to make them pay for their Elite membership.

1.8 The sending of personalized avatars by users enabled for this function, before their publication, are subjected to the approval of the staff and site administrators and require the existence of the legal authorization for their disclosure by the users themselves who send the proposed avatar. The user certifies under his own responsibility that he is legitimately authorized to disclose them. The user is also aware and indemnifies Siesta Soft S.L. from any liability, which, in its business of approval / rejection of avatar proposals will be applied that may harm "common morals", avatars that represent subjects not in line with the general guidelines of the site, shows underaged people, or that are simply not deemed acceptable, at the sole discretion of staff and administrators, even without providing any explanation, including the blocking of the custom avatar upload function, even to Elite users. The user is also aware that the staff and administrators can decide to delete avatars already approved previously, at the request of the authorities, of rights holders, or for any other reason, even at their sole discretion, and without providing any explanation.

1.9 Regarding the contents covered by intellectual property rights, such as texts and photos, the user grants Burraconline a non-exclusive, transferable license, which can be granted as a sub-license, free from royalty and valid worldwide, which allows the use of any text and photos published on Burraconline or in connection with Burraconline.

1.10 It is expressly forbidden to make registrations by falsifying your personal data. The user confirms that the personal data entered during the registration phase on the site correspond to the truth. Any users registered with falsified data will be immediately canceled / suspended from using the site and will eventually be subject to formal reporting to the competent authorities.

1.11 The user declares that the data entered in the registration form are true and correspond to the person who filled them in.

1.12 Any email that has fallen into disuse or is no longer reachable must be replaced with a new email address. Email changes can be made independently through the game's account function, or they can be communicated to [email protected] , providing proof of the first three characters of the account password and clearly specifying the email address no longer in use and the new email address. The email address is essential in order to recover any nickname whose password has been forgotten. Siesta Soft S.L. is however always relieved of the responsibility to provide the user with an alternative method to that of the email, to recover their account.

1.13The use of chat is NOT included in the game. The CHAT is GRANTED temporarily, at the sole discretion of the staff and administrators, even without providing any explanation. In general, the CHAT is only temporarily granted to those users who demonstrate that they know how to use it in full respect of others and without attitudes of hatred, hatred, controversy, and who have not violated any rules of conduct among those specified in this regulation. . It follows that the CHAT can also be disabled for paid "Elite" users. The CHAT can also be disabled indirectly to all those who connect from the same station, or to other connected nicknames, at the unquestionable judgment of the staff and administrators.

1.14 It is possible to NAME nicknames within the game, as NICKNAMES intrinsically represent a form of protection of one's personal data. The right to privacy in the Italian and Spanish law does not provide for the protection of pseudonyms ("nicknames") which are, in themselves, systems that allow anonymity.

1.15 It is absolutely forbidden to advertise other sites within the game, whether competing or not, either through the direct publication of url / link or through the dissemination of the name. The chat in general cannot be used for advertising or propaganda purposes of any kind.

1.16 Limit of one nickname per person: The game is free only for one single nickname created for every natural person, email, or device. However, Siesta Soft reserves the right to decide, on a case by case basis, which multiple nicknames to "tolerate", and which ones "not to tolerate". In the event that it is decided to block one or more multiple nicknames, the use of different computers, or different emails, in order to stem this limitation, it is punishable by blocking one or more nicknames that Siesta Soft, with reasonable certainty, deems connected. or belonging to the same person, or family unit that connects through the same workstation, or internet connection, or peripheral.

1.17 Right of refund: in case of transition to the paid version ("Elite"), the right of refund is excluded on the basis of art. 59 of Legislative Decree 205/2006 as "the supply of digital content through a non-material support started with the express agreement of the consumer". By accepting this regulation, which is mandatory in order to use this game, the consumer expressly accepts the loss of the right of refunds.

2. Rights of the site administrators.

2.1 Users recognize the full right of administrators to, at their sole discretion, exclude them from the site or chat or forum, even without prior notice or explanation. In general, polemical or aggressive tones are not to be considered particularly welcome. Any insistence will be pursued.

2.2 In order to stem behaviors such as those prohibited by the site and by the law, in order to allow easy identification of the offender, the user is aware of the fact - and expressly agrees - that the BURRACONLINE.COM software is able to identify UNIQUE your PC on the network, by generating a UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION number applied by the BURRACONLINE.COM software based on some characteristics of the PC on which it is installed (information which however does not provide any personal data and does not allow the user to be identified in any way). The user, therefore, expressly recognizes the right of the administrators of the site to, according to their unquestionable judgment, inhibit the access to the game to every new nickname created from the same PC.

2.3In order to stem behaviors such as those prohibited by the site and by the law, in order to allow easy identification of the offender, the user is aware of the fact that their conversations, both in chat at the table between several people and in private through chat to 2 or whisper, will be the subject of computer registration and the related content stored in the archives of Siesta Soft S.L. for the minimum time established by the laws in force. To this end, the aforementioned registrations may be used by the Administrators, on the initiative of the latter or on the recommendation of individual users, for the adoption, after evaluation of the content, of the disciplinary measures provided for by this regulation or for reporting to the competent Public Authorities. for the necessary measures. The user, authorizes Siesta Soft S.L. to take actions for the above mentioned behaviours.

3. Intervention Procedures, Reprimands, Ban and Dumb.

3.1In the event of a behavior by one or more users deemed - at the sole discretion of the administrators without any obligation of justification or clarification - incorrect, serious, derogatory, offensive or not in keeping with the site policy, the user may possibly be contacted privately or publicly and encouraged to change his attitude and / or may be excluded, temporarily or permanently, from the site and the game, even without warning. The user expressly accepts to be able to undergo actions such as the inhibition of the chat (DUMB) or the blocking of the connection to Burraconline via the game client (BAN), both temporarily and indefinitely, both by any automated filters, and by of directors or staff. In the case of automated filters, able to intercept any swear words or common offenses, the user accepts any margin for error. The list of words, offenses or words in any case deemed unsuitable is at the total discretion and unquestionable judgment of the directors. In any case, the duration and methods of the measures of DUMB and BAN will be at the total and unquestionable judgment of the directors, without any obligation of justification or clarification.

3.2 Any form of disturbance (by way of example but not limited to, flooding of messages, private messages or the like) will be immediately prosecuted by the site administrators, either independently or on the recommendation of other users, and the persons held responsible will be, at the sole discretion of of the administrators and without having to provide any justification, definitively banned from the site without notice as well as to use - temporarily or permanently - the game application.

3.3 Users recognize as of now the right of the site administrators to, according to their own unquestionable judgment and without having to provide any justification, to ban (so-called banning) or temporarily exclude (so-called kicking) individual users from the site, identified through their own nickname or your access computer. In the latter case (identification by computer) even the creation of new nicknames makes it impossible to connect to the game.

3.4 If a user banned from the site, for example through a BAN provision, should continue to re-register, even using different nick-names or through different access computers, or with different email addresses, with the sole purpose of contesting and / o disturb and / or hinder the regular performance of the site's activities, of individual users and / or of the work of staff members, the site administrators will immediately report to the competent authorities and the provider used. Should the intervention procedures become indispensable on Elite paid nicknames, for example, but not exclusively, through the creation, for the sole purpose of causing inconvenience within the community, of nicknames deemed, at the sole discretion of the administrators, offensive,

3.5 Any account lockouts that prevent access to the game will NOT allow for any refunds on any Elite memberships or tokens purchased.

4. Disclaimer.

4.1 BURRACONLINE.COM and Siesta Soft S.L. cannot be held responsible for any malfunctions caused directly or indirectly by the installation or use of the game software. Users exonerate BURRACONLINE.COM and Siesta Soft S.L. from any liability for any malfunctions caused or damage derived, directly or indirectly, from the installation or use of the game software, expressly waiving as of now any compensation action against them.

5. Cancellation of your account and request for reactivation.

5.1 The request to cancel your account must be made directly from within the game itself. In the event that the user is no longer able to access it for any reason, he can request cancellation via email at the address[email protected]specifying your nickname and password. The staff will decide whether, based on the obligations and rights defined in the terms and conditions, the privacy legislation, and this regulation itself, cancellation will be possible or not.

5.2 The cancellation procedure consists of two stages: "temporary storage" and "permanent cancellation". During the "temporary storage" phase, the nickname data covered by privacy will be anonymized through encrypting procedures, and a "disconnection" of the nickname will be made from all public scores, profiles, and public statistical data: the nickname it will be considered as if it were "deleted" even if the game data, anonymized, will still remain stored on our servers. The nickname will enter into "definitive cancellation", by removing the records in the database, resulting in the release of the nickname (which will thus be made available to the public again) only if the nickname in question has no other contractual obligations, fiscal, legal - or is not involved in chat blocking or access blocking actions, even by reflex or in connection with other nicknames. For example, if a nickname is blocked from accessing our platform for violation of the regulation, and this violation is extended to the entire computer, it will never be possible to achieve the "definitive cancellation" of both the nickname that has directly suffered the violation and also by any other nickname connected or connected to that same computer. The and this violation is extended to the entire computer, it will never be possible to achieve the "definitive cancellation" of both the nickname that has directly suffered the violation, and also by any other nickname connected or connected to that same computer. The and this violation is extended to the entire computer, it will never be possible to achieve the "definitive cancellation" of both the nickname that has directly suffered the violation, and also by any other nickname connected or connected to that same computer. Thethe system may still decide, aribtrarily, to delete, based on certain conditions, certain nicknames - for example, but not exclusively, if a nickname is created for a few connections and then no longer used, or in cases of "compulsive creation" of nicknames . The user expressly authorizes Siesta Soft S.L. to keep their personal data in the archive for the period necessary to satisfy the points described above.

5.3 If the conditions defined by this regulation, by the terms and conditions, and by the privacy allow it, always and in any case at the discretion of the administrators and the staff, the user with a nickname in "temporary storage" may request the "recovery" of the deleted nick , provided that at least one week has passed since the cancellation request and less than one year. The recovery of a deleted nickname will result in the mandatory transition to the paid service ("Elite").

5.4 In any case, the user requesting the reactivation must prove that he knows the password of the previously deleted nickname and subject to the reactivation request as well as prove that he is the owner of the email address linked to the nickname, under penalty of inability to proceed.

5.5 All unused nicknames (that is, that have not even logged on since the registration date) for a continuous period of 1 month, will be automatically deleted.

5.6 Nicknames that have not even logged in for more than 5 consecutive years will be automatically deleted unless they have received serious measures (such as BAN or others) that prevent access to the game or unless they are the subject of legal proceedings. , in which case they will remain stored for an indefinite time. Any automatic deletion will also result in the removal of the nickname from the friends / black list of other users and the deletion of the nickname identifier from the forum (while written messages may remain).

The acceptance of this regulation implies the express acceptance, with consequent confirmation of having well understood the relative content, nature and scope, each of the clauses transcribed above, and indicated again below: 1 - Obligations and Prohibitions of users; 1.16 - Loss of the right of withdrawal. 2. Rights of the site administrators; 3. Intervention Procedures, Reproaches, Ban; 4. Disclaimer of liability; 5. Cancellation of your account and request for reactivation.

The acceptance of this announcement will be stored by our computer systems as required by law. If you do not agree with these rules and you have already installed the game, you can refuse the rules and proceed to uninstall and remove the software from your computer and / or installed devices